Cybersecurity Legal and Compliance Focus: State of Ransomware

Cybersecurity Legal and Compliance Focus: State of Ransomware

Mar 23, 2022

There is a vast digital crime wave unleashing against public and private sector organizations around the world.

The rise of crimeware, also known as software designed to commit a crime, is so significant that analysts predict the global market could reach a value of $10.5 trillion as soon as 2025.

Ransomware has enjoyed a renaissance as of late. Cring, REvil, Ryuk, Maze, and Conti all make international headlines and are tied to high-profile exploit attempts at market-leading companies worldwide.

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Is It Time for Your Law Firm to Switch to Managed IT Services?

Is It Time for Your Law Firm to Switch to Managed IT Services?

Mar 20, 2022

Learn about the importance of switching to managed IT services to build cyber resilience within your law firm.

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