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Comprehensive Network Threat Detection and Response

Proactively safeguard your network with 24/7 monitoring, deep traffic analysis, and tailored response options.
We understand your challenges.

Network security is exhausting for Mid-Market organizations

Securing your network is increasingly complex. With large volumes of North-South and East-West traffic, it’s easy for attacks to slip through unnoticed, often lingering for months before detection. Traditional monitoring methods fall short in identifying lateral movement or sophisticated attacks that exploit network vulnerabilities.

Key Challenges Include:
  • Monitoring complex and hybrid network environments
  • Limited visibility into internal network traffic
  • Detecting sophisticated threats like DDoS attacks, lateral movement, or malware hidden within network layers
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Comprehensive 24/7 Managed Network Detection & Response

Meet Our MNDR Solution

Our Managed Network Detection and Response (MNDR) service offers deep, bidirectional traffic analysis combined with 24/7 monitoring of all network activity. By analyzing Biflow and PCAP data, we ensure precise detection of threats such as lateral movement, DNS anomalies, and malware communication, allowing you to respond swiftly before incidents escalate.

  • Proactive Detection
    Near real-time identification of network-based threats, including lateral movement, privilege escalation and command & control attempts.
  • Full Network Visibility
    Deep packet inspection provides comprehensive insights into all network traffic, ensuring hidden threats deep within packet payloads.
  • Flexible Response Options
    Choose between passive and active response models, tailored to your operational needs
Our Unique Value

What Makes Us Different?

We provide advanced network threat analytics that focus on the network as ground truth. Our solution integrates both signature-based and anomaly detection, ensuring the rapid identification of known and emerging threats. With a dedicated team of experts, we offer actionable insights through our comprehensive situation reports (SitReps), empowering you to make informed decisions, or documenting our active response measures.

Here’s how we stand out:
  • Deep Network Analytics
    Leverage Biflow data inspection and PCAP packet analysis for unparalleled threat detection.
  • Embedded IDS
    Near real-time identification of threats through both signature and anomaly detection.
  • Tailored Response
    Active or passive response options to fit your business model, including firewall rule changes.
  • 10:1 Customer-to-Analyst Ratio
    Personalized service from a dedicated team of experts who know your environment.
  • Streamlined Integration
    No need to change your tech stack—we integrate with your existing tools and infrastructure
Request a demo

Ready to See Gradient Cyber’s MNDR in Action?

Get hands-on with our MNDR solution and learn how we can protect your business with 24/7 proactive threat detection and response.